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What is Content Moderation? Moderation Techniques & more.

What is Content Moderation? Moderation Techniques & more.

In the age of social media, content moderation is more important than ever. But what exactly is content moderation? And what are the best practices for doing it?



Content moderation is the process of reviewing and approving user-generated content before it is published. This can be done manually or using automated systems. Automated systems are often used to flag potential problems so that a human moderator can review them.

There are several different factors to consider. Determine whether it is offensive or inappropriate for the platform. Best moderation practices vary depending on the platform and the type of content being moderated.


Content moderation best practices

When it comes to content moderation, there are a few key things to keep in mind to ensure that the process is effective. 

Content moderation is the process of reviewing and approving content before it’s published. This can be done manually or through automated means, but either way, the goal is to ensure that only high-quality, relevant content is made available to readers.

In terms of best practices, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to have clear guidelines in place for what is and isn’t acceptable. This will help ensure that all moderators are on the same page and that decisions are made consistently.

It is significant for businesses because it necessitates accountability to their users and clients. Different moderation system tools and approaches should be improved over time to be effective against digital information risks. The process includes thoroughly checking the number of pieces of content based on their relevance to the brand and users. To know more about content moderation, read Internet content moderation: How to outsource to the right partner.


Different moderation techniques


Human moderators. Organizations hire employees who manually review and screen online content. Moderate content requires rules and guidelines tailored and set by the company. With content moderators, content can be viewed from a user’s perspective and inspected in a humane sense. You can also utilize content moderation tools like VISION AI or check G2’s blog about Top 10 AI vision Alternatives & Competitors.


Artificial intelligence or automated moderation A fast, can be used in high volumes with an efficient method of the moderation system that automatically detects banned content by contextual cues. This method helps reduce moderators’ repeated viewing of disturbing and harmful content. It also improves itself over time by the gathered unhealthy online behaviors through moderate data and algorithms. To know more, read The Future of Moderation. It’s all in the AI and Human Blend.


Keyword. Content-matching filter system is used for banning moderation through lists of flagged keywords, emails, or IP addresses


User reporting and distributing moderation. Users report any inappropriate content behavior they may find. This encourages users or community members to be alert and responsive when they see any negative behavior online and allows for greater transparency and democracy when it comes to determining which content is allowed on a site among community members.


Types of content moderation


Age restrictions are put in place to make sure that only users who are of a certain age can view certain types of content. This is usually done to protect younger users from seeing inappropriate content.


Language filters help to keep user-generated content appropriate for all audiences by automatically translating it into the user’s preferred language. This is especially useful for users who are not native English speakers.


Nudity and violence filters are used to keep the user-generated content on a website family-friendly. This can be done by automatically censoring any inappropriate text or images that users have uploaded to the site. Google SafeSearch is a great example of this. If you are unfamiliar with SafeSearch, it is Google’s way of automatically censoring any explicit content that users search for on the Internet. 

Filters are used to keep Google s search results safe for work. One way of doing this is by automatically censoring inappropriate text or images users upload to the site. Examples of this can be found on Nudity and sexual activity: publisher and creator guidelines of Meta for Facebook and Instagram.


Hate speech has long been a problem on the internet, with people using anonymous accounts to spew venomous language at others. To combat this, many social media platforms and online forums have implemented filters that automatically remove hate speech. Hate speech is a complex issue with no easy solution. However, filters are one tool that can help make the internet a safer and more civil place for everyone.


Spam emails become more prevalent as email becomes more prevalent. To combat this, many email providers offer some form of spam filter. Spam filters are designed to automatically identify and delete spam emails from a person’s inbox. 

There are a variety of different methods that spam filters use to identify and delete spam emails. Some common methods include looking for certain keywords in the email, filtering emails from known spam sources, and checking the email’s headers for suspicious information.


Social media has become one of the most popular platforms for people to share their ideas and creativity. This is also true for flag design. In the past, flags were designed by professional artists and often represented a specific country or group. However, with the rise of social media, anyone can design a flag and share it with the world. 

This trend has led to some amazing designs representing various people and groups. From simple designs to complex ones, there is a flag for everyone. And because anyone can create a flag, we see more representation than ever before. 


What are the benefits of content moderation?

When it comes to online content, moderation is the process of reviewing and approving user-generated content before it’s published. This can be done by humans or algorithms, but in either case, in these types of moderation, the goal is to ensure that only high-quality, valuable content is made available to viewers.

Improving the quality of online content. By reviewing and approving content before it’s published, you can ensure that only the best material is made available to your audience. This can help improve the overall quality of your online presence and ensure that users keep coming back for more as every piece of content represents your brand.

Reducing liability risks. In some cases, offensive or harmful content could lead to legal problems for your company if it’s not moderated properly. For example, if you’re an online retailer and a customer posts complaints about your products or services on your blog, that could potentially lead to a defamation lawsuit.

Protecting your brand. Sloppy or offensive content on your website could damage your brand and make customers less likely to trust you. Also, if you’re a company that’s looking to expand internationally, it’s important to make sure that the site is in line with local laws.

The potential for increased traffic. If you’re looking to get more visitors to your site, there’s no better way to do so than by publishing content people want to read. This can include anything from how-to guides to opinion pieces and even controversial and offensive material.

Increased link popularity. Publishing unique content is one of the fastest ways to build up your link popularity, which leads to higher rankings in search engines.

Avoid duplicate content penalties. Google doesn’t want you to publish identical or near-identical content on multiple sites.


What are the challenges of content moderation?

With the increase in user-generated content (UGC), social media platforms have had to develop moderation processes to ensure that only appropriate content is shared. However, these moderation processes can be costly and time-consuming, as well as difficult to scale. Additionally, they can be subject to human error.

Several challenges need to be considered when moderating content, including:

  • Cost – Moderation processes can be expensive, especially if they are done manually.
  • Time – It can take a lot of time to moderate content, particularly if there is a large volume of UGC.
  • Scalability – It can be difficult to scale moderation processes, especially manual ones.
  • Accuracy – There is always the potential for human error.


The importance of content moderation

When it comes to content moderation, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what content moderation is and what its purpose is. Additionally, it’s critical to establish best practices for content moderation so that the process is as effective and efficient as possible. 

Finally, it’s important to understand the different moderation processes that are available so that you can choose the right one for your needs.

Along with the expansion of online community is the swell of online content that influences user’s behavior and spreads false information. Many users become victims of fraudulent activities that result in demanding accountability from the companies responsible. More details in Shadows to light: How content moderation protects users from cyberbullying.

With that cause, the power of content moderation has been emphasized among businesses.

Don’t want your brand tarnished by trolls?

Enshored’s multilingual and multicultural teams know the nuance needed to keep your community squeaky clean. Contact us today to discover a better way to approach content moderation.

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